
The contents of this blog represent my thoughts and opinions and are not necessarily shared by the Peace Corps, the country of Ethiopia, or the United States Government.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Change is in the air

With 8 days until I leave for DC and then 2 more days until I leave on a direct, 12.5 hour flight to Ethiopia, there is a lot of change occurring. I have been spending time with friends and family, have said many goodbyes (or as I prefer, “I’ll be seeing you again soon”), and of course some packing and organizing thrown in the mix.

Many people have asked me what I will be doing once I arrive in Ethiopia.  Quite a reasonable question, but the truth is a lot is unknown.  For now, what I do know is that I will have 3 months of intensive training (cultural, health, language) and during this time I will live with a host family in a town called Butajira, about 2.5 hours from the capital, Addis Ababa.  From there I will be assigned to some part of the country where I will begin my work as a community health volunteer. I am looking forward to both using my knowledge and skills and learning from the people of Ethiopia.

Among all of the change that is coming very soon, I find peace in something a friend recently told me: Change is a part of nature: the four seasons are proof of this.  Change is natural and change is good.

What I am excited for:
  • ·      The beauty and culture of Ethiopia
  • ·      A much slower pace of life (no more studying flashcards while on the stationary bike at the gym)
  • ·      Meeting a group of incredible, talented, and like-minded individuals and fellow Peace Corps volunteers
  • ·      Learning from the people of Ethiopia

What I suspect will be (quite) challenging:
  • ·      Washing clothes by hand
  • ·      Learning Amharic (or one of the other several other main language., keeping in mind that there are over 200 differect dialects spoken)
  • ·      Learning how to prepare food without the amenities that I am so used to and grateful for
  • ·      Many more that I am sure will arise….  :)

Most importantly I am striving to go into the Peace Corps with no expectations; a blank slate and sponge, ready to write my Peace Corps story and take it all in.

One final thought, and I will try to do both while in Ethiopia....

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