
The contents of this blog represent my thoughts and opinions and are not necessarily shared by the Peace Corps, the country of Ethiopia, or the United States Government.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thank You Ethiopia

When I applied to Peace Corps, I asked to be placed in a Spanish-speaking country. Little did I know that I would be assigned to Ethiopia, which was the opposite of what I requested, but would turn out to be the perfect fit.

My best friend and confidant, Hibist <3 td="">

During the past two years of my Peace Corps Service in Ethiopia, I have made friends and family that I will never forget.  I learned and got more out of the experience than I could have ever given or taught.  It’s impossible to put into words how much this experience has impacted me. 
With the three girls club leaders, who all attended Camp GLOW!

It’s very difficult to look back and reflect on the past two years and the transformation that has occurred both within myself and also within my perspective.  I am not the same person I was when I stepped out of the plane into Ethiopia two years ago.  Ethiopia has taught me about strength, resilience, beauty, hope, and joy. I learned how to simply sit and be, how to communicate in Amharic, and how to integrate into a new culture, and this is just naming a few of the many things I’ve learned.

In Ethiopia I have found a second home, and I know I’ll be back. Ethiopia, betam iwudishalo. (Ethiopia, I love you so much). I can’t wait to share about Ethiopian culture with my friends and family back home, and of course make you Ethiopian coffee J
My Ethiopian mother, Itagenyish, shares a rare smile with me while we drank coffee during my last week in Mezezo.

Le ine, etiopiya yitamarkubut ina yiagungubut nich. Le ine etiopiya hulu neger nich.  Le Etiopia ina le Peace Corps, betam amasuginachulo. (Ethiopia taught me about myself and helped me to find myself. Ethiopia means so much to me). To everyone in Ethiopia, and to Peace Corps, thank you so much, for everything the past two years.

Additionally, I wouldn’t have made it the past two years without my wonderful friends and family who have supported me and loved me through the challenges and successes; to each of you, thank you so much; to my Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa and entire family, KOG congregation, fellow PCVs, Cammi, Brooke, Jennie, and Alex: thank you so much, I love you all!

Love these strong and beautiful women, who taught me so much.

Last market day for me in Mezezo! Utter chaos:)

My wonderful sitemate surprised me with this delicious cake :)

English club students who I worked with for over a year! Can't wait to see the wonderful things they accomplish.
One of the hardest goodbyes: to my landlord Yekoyesew and my friend Zenebech. Two people who mean so much to me.

Latrine update: The public latrine is complete and ready to be used!!